Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday!

Yesterday went to pyramid to celebrate ding wei and jing yuan's birthday...We decided to give them a surprise, but at the end, the plan failed because of me. I felt that i'm a failure le...haiz... We bought them a cheese blueberry cake and also a chocolate moouse mixed fruit cake and ate it at mcdonald there with they 2 , ps, ps's brother, jl, el and ry.

After that, we went to arcade to play.. Jy challenged me for any game and so we exchange for 2 tokens to play. We play tennis 1st.. but within 2 mins.. i lost ade.. i oso dunno wat happened.. swt... We 2 left 1 token and we went for the bloody roar 3.. This time... i finally revenged for myself by killing him in the game.

After we finished all our tokens, we went to Point Extreme to caogei Lol. We played for almost 2 hours there. At 1st, ps and his brother challenged me for half life.. But not even half hour then quit ade cos of my proness(jkjk) LOL.Then we joined jl for L4D. Because Ps wanna be survivor and i wanna be zombie, so after everyround we exchange our team so he keep be the survivor while i be the zombie. Many funny things happened here...

Me, dw, jy, ps and his bro leave pyramid 6.30++ and went to puchong de ioi mall nearby there eat.. We ate and chat there till 10.00 pm like that. We asked dw, ps and jy a lot funny things. Today i really had a lot of funs.. haha

Once again, i wanna wish the 2 birthday boy Happy Belated Birthday! And say sorry to they 2 and ps sorry for making u all waited for me so long yesterday.


This cake is dedicated to Ding Wei!

This is jing yuan's cake

This is wat we called "cross multiplication"

Jing yuan is posing the lee xiaolong's pose! Haha

Jing Yuan tried to feed ding wei the cherry but he refused.

The majority WINS!

Cool huh?(haha)

The frog, penguin, chick and the rabbit own!

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